Sunday 24 October 2010

Its been a while...


Its been a MINUTE.. a few pages of my life have turned since I was last up on here. Thank you for the heaps of messages/tweets etc while I was gone, Its nice to know you're loved and it was nothing personal. I just had to step back and deal with a few things, its nuts sometimes you find clarity in the toughest of situations. And im glad to say, a lot of clarity has been found.

So whats New ? Musically, not as much as should be new but i've got big plans and couple suprises in store for you. Ive been keeping my 'feature' game tight tho, Look out for yours truly on Capital R, Pariz 1, Genesis Elijah, K Koke, Big Cakes 's new releases... in fact.. Look out for those Releases.. There gonna be Big!

Anyways! LISTEN.. I'm out
Just keeping you all informed

Keep Focussed .. Love, Peace and Jelly Beans