Friday, 5 November 2010

Say Nuttin

As you probably know i'm kinda sometimeish with this bloggin thannng, (and just about everything else in life) but this is a little something i wrote in the hours of insomnia i have been experiencing of late..thought id give twitter a break lol.. Hope you like.

I decided to call this blog 'Say Nuttin' as its a phrase or term that people have become increasingly familiar with. I've overheard it being used in the most irrelevant of situations and if we're honest,due to the common and regular use of the phrase a lot of people actually take no notice at all of its instructive nature. How many times have you said 'Say Nuttin' or 'Say no more' and the person you are talking to swiftly resumes talking ?

Anyway. As most of you are aware I have a long held love affair with words : there meanings, there origins, there sound and there POWER. I was thinking today about 'Saying Nuttin' and how many of us forget how profound and powerful it can really be.

I personally have made the mistake on countless occasions of saying too much. Sometimes this is a quest or plight to gain understanding and empathy in situations ie: feeling that if I fully explain my self, my situation or my actions then somebody else will connect, relate and I will be understood. I think there is a part of this in everyone. We all exist in this same earth plain and to exist and feel feelings, hold opinions and think thoughts without expression can and probably would lead a person to feel powerless, isolated and removed from society. In some cases peoples need to express and say something is spontaneous and similar to a bottle of coke that has been shaken. They experience life, get shaken up, dropped, hurt and when the lid gets taken off, whatever comes out is uncontrollable sometimes offensive, unnecessary or on the other hand astounding.

There are a variety of reasons that a person can be outspoken or have a lot to say but I have been thinking a lot over the past few days about the change in recent years of how people express, there overwhelming almost obsessive need to express and how they sometimes say too much which leaves them open and gives them enough rope to hang themselves and sometimes 'Say Nuttin'.

People that are familiar with the book '48 Laws of Power' by Robert Greene will know that Law 4 is 'Always Say Less Than Necessary'. This law coincides very nicely with what I'm writing about. I feel we are currently living in 'The age of self expression'. There are so many outlets for people to speak and express through (this blog being one of them) all you have to do is log on to facebook or twitter to see the mixed bag of comments,phrases and banter that can lead you to a conclusion pretty quickly of a persons character. I personally love it, I find it funny, random and in a way unifying that we can all get to know each other in such a way BUT don't you ever think 'What if there was no such thing as the internet or facebook or twitter?' 'Would we all feel such an overwhelming urge to express?' Or 'would we say less,do more and be somewhat more empowered?' Questions Questions Questions.. :o)

Quote: Oysters open completely when the moon is full; and when the crab sees one it throws a piece of stone or seaweed into it and the oyster cannot close again so that it serves the crab for meat. Such is the fate of him who opens his mouth too much and thereby puts himself at the mercy of the listener. (Leonardo Da Vinci 1452 - 1519)

Over the ages appearing indifferent and keeping talk to a minimum has been consistent in great leaders, kings and historic figures. They worked more commonly in actions than in words and gained respect because although nobody knew there inner thoughts and opinions, they protected, guided and succesfully served the people. Louis XIV for example was a man of few words, described as a closed book by many. When he was consulted by ministers and courtiers to discuss matters of importance, he would actively listen and welcome there detailed accounts or perspectives yet not comment until they had concluded and more often than not, his comment would be ' I shall see'.
In keeping his words short and direct he retained power because the individuals consulting him were uncertain of the outcome but still held respect for him. He would always act and make a result afterwards and that kept him in the peoples favour. As Robert Greene says in 48 Laws 'No one could try to deceive him by saying what they thought he wanted to hear, because no one knew what he wanted to hear'

I'm unsure of whether its just the way I am or whether my opinionated, strong spirited mother or the fact I'm cancerian, contribute to my outspoken temperament and constant need to express. I guess in ways its a beautiful thing but the art of 'Saying Nuttin' is one I am keen to master. A work in progress. So hear what I say but more importantly WATCH WHAT I DO.

Nothing is ever as it seems.

Peace and Blessings. Jai

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Its been a while...


Its been a MINUTE.. a few pages of my life have turned since I was last up on here. Thank you for the heaps of messages/tweets etc while I was gone, Its nice to know you're loved and it was nothing personal. I just had to step back and deal with a few things, its nuts sometimes you find clarity in the toughest of situations. And im glad to say, a lot of clarity has been found.

So whats New ? Musically, not as much as should be new but i've got big plans and couple suprises in store for you. Ive been keeping my 'feature' game tight tho, Look out for yours truly on Capital R, Pariz 1, Genesis Elijah, K Koke, Big Cakes 's new releases... in fact.. Look out for those Releases.. There gonna be Big!

Anyways! LISTEN.. I'm out
Just keeping you all informed

Keep Focussed .. Love, Peace and Jelly Beans